Sunday, May 6, 2012


It's God's purpose, goal, and desire that we all find that person with whom we want to share eternity.  Of this there is no doubt in my mind.  I believe it and always will.  But oh how trying this life is we lead!  How fickle these passing moments of weakness that do so easily beset us!  How strong these pathetic, temporary emotions of the human soul!  We spend one hour with someone and wish it would last for eternity, and yet with another a single hour feels like eternity and we can't wait for it to end!  Why is the human heart so changing?  Can we not choose to simply be happy with somebody that cares for us?  Why is it that being attractive is connected with love?  Would it not be better for us to feel attraction to all females for the only fact that they can give us love and companionship?  And why do we see those that are attractive, and that even think we are, and yet we just feel nothing towards that person?  How is it that we are supposed to keep our sanity when so many that we would like to be with don't want to be with us, and yet we meet so many that we don't think twice about going out with and yet there they are still, waiting for us, wanting every minute that we talk to them.  Oh, how I wish I could simply control my heart and all the feelings that radiate from my tortured soul!  How much easier life would be, how much stress and grief could be taken away if I could but force myself to fall in love with somebody that could care for me as I could her!  But alas, all is not as easy as we so often wish it to be.  We must be humble and do it the way its meant to be done.  For, is that not humility?  Doing it the way God planned for it to be done despite the difficulty of the task and despite what we may think or want?  It is truly a test of human capacity to keep an eternal perspective on those things that draw our minds to the emotional and temporal.  How easily we think of the future in days and weeks, yet the eternities slip our minds as easily as we forget to buy napkins at the grocery store.  Can not the knowledge that, in Heaven, all will be different and physical attraction will not be a problem?  For we will all be resurrected with perfect bodies, so why are we not able to just concede the point of attraction and love and be with the person that is willing to be with us?  Why are we unable to view these short, mortal years with a perspective outside of mortality, even an eternal perspective?  Why must we search, find, and fall in love, only to have our hearts constantly disappointed and tortured, and then start the process over again?  Is there some unseen growth, or lesson, or something to be learned from the constant pain that the heart feels while we are in the journey of love?  Blessed, and lucky, are those that find their 'one and only' from the beginning and they stick together.  But for those of you who, like me, must endure the path of time that eventually, we hope, leads to love, I offer only the truth of the challenge ahead of us.  That God, in all of His supreme knowledge and mercy, has prepared something for us, someone.  We cannot see it yet, the grand plan, but it is in full progress.  We must keep pressing forward to find it, and to find our 'one and only'.  What else can we do?  Give up?  Nay, we cannot.  For in the day that we give up we forfeit generations of blessings and endless hope, love, and companionship that will be most sweet.

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