Friends. Family. Life would be pointless without them. Let's set aside any and all religious/spiritual views and look at just the core of a man: emotion. Do you remember how it feels when, out of the blue, someone you care about shows you they care about you? When that person you love does something to show that they are thinking of you? Do you remember that sensation? The increase in your heart beat, a swelling in your stomach. Now, think about a period when that didn't happen. Can you see the difference...I can. How often would we accomplish our goals without the support of those who care enough about us to urge us on, even in the face of great opposition? What would be the point of having all the money in the world if it cost you the world...Can you remember how if felt to spend a ridiculous amount of money on someone and not even care...because their smile lit up your world. The reason those moments are so powerful and so important, at least to me, is because for that moment you forget entirely about your problems. They disappear entirely. It's literally as though a weight is lifted from your shoulders. Your body is happy, in the sense that it feels good, the way it wants to's literally healthy to feel happy. Stress can cause many aches and pains physically on the body.
Now...let's flip the coin. Think of all this you have read, and apply it to others. What you remember of how you feel...that is how others feel when you do things for them to show them that to you they are special. I loved getting surprises from that "special" person, but it was nothing like seeing her face light up when I did something. I really felt like I would do anything just to see her smile. I guess that could kind of be a rule of life when it comes to those that you really, truly care about...that when they are happy you are happy. So if you want to be happy, make them happy.
I love my family more than anything and my brother, Ryan, is my closest friend. The thought of him getting hurt makes me dizzy as if I were to faint. I would take a bullet for him without hesitating. But the best part is, he knows it. Being brothers we obviously don't talk to each other like that...but it's an unspoken knowledge. I wouldn't be who I am or where I am without him. I feel as if I would give up my happiness to make him happy. And that is a big part of what makes my life feel complete, whole. I would, of course, do any of these things for any one of my family members, but there is strong connection between us.
So, what am I trying to say with all of this? I guess what I am trying to say is that others make our life but that depends on us.
i especially liked where you talked about it feeling like a weight it lifted because you described that feeling so well -- i hadn't ever put it into words like that before and it just plain makes sense.